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Los Amigos Elementary School


  • Bullying among children is commonly defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or others behaviors committed by one or more children against another. Bullying may be physical, verbal, social/emotional or sexual in nature. There are three aspects of this hurtful behavior that almost all experts agree on; in bullying there is a difference in power between those being hurt and those doing the hurting, bullying involves hurtful behaviors that are repeated and intentional.

  • Bullying is legally defined as one or more acts by a student or group of students that constitutes sexual harassment pursuant to Education Code 48900.2. Hate violence pursuant to Education Code 48900.3. Harassment, threats, or intimidation pursuant to Education Code 48900.4, (Education Code 32261) Cyber-bullying includes bullying by means of an electronic act (including sexting), directed toward a student or school personnel. Electronic act means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager. (Education Code 32261) What should school staff do if bullying is observed? School sites will provide appropriate supervision to enforce standards of conduct and, if they observe or become aware of a violation of these standards, to immediately intervene or call for assistance.

  • Parents and students may write a letter or tell a teacher or administrator about the bullying. Staff will turn in the letter to the principal that day. All complaints of bullying shall be investigated and resolved in accordance with due process procedures.

    Each school site will have a paper copy of our safe school report / bullying form available in the front office. If you would prefer you can fill out the form electronically.

  • Where the principal or designee finds that bullying occurred, he/she shall take prompt, appropriate action to end the bullying and address its effects on the victim. The principal or designee shall also advise the victim of any other remedies that may be available and ensure the safety of the student. The principal or designee shall file a report with the Superintendent or designee and refer the matter to law enforcement authorities, where required.

  • A student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions and may be subject to suspension or expulsion for engaging in acts of bullying. This includes, but not limited to, if the bullying occurred at a school activity or school attendance occurring at any district school under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent or principal or within any other school district. (Education Code 48900)

  • Preventing and responding to school bullying is the responsibility of every school administrator, teacher, school staff member, student, and parent. The entire school community must recognize the responsibility to create a climate in which bullying is not tolerated.

  • Strategies include implementing a school-wide anti-bullying policy, a survey of bullying problems at each school, increased supervision, school-wide assemblies, and teacher in-service training to raise the awareness of children and school staff regarding bullying.

  • Strategies include establishing classroom rules against bullying, holding regular class meetings to discuss bullying at school, character education, and scheduling meetings with parents. Individual interventions: This strategy consists of providing appropriate interventions and services with each student identified as either a bully or a target.